Macropod Variable Bandwidth VCF
The SetonixSynth Macropod is a space-friendly and highly functional Variable Bandwidth VCF based around the AS3350. Along with extensive control of a somewhat rare filter topology, the Macropod comes heavy with several features previously excluded from the two best-known filters of this type (the Serge VCF2 and Buchla 291): Resonance control, onboard Notch output, and a “squared-off” distorted output. Truly, the Macropod can sit alongside these legendary filters and not just replicate the functionality, but exceed it!
Current draw (Eurorack): 52mA @ +12V; 54mA @ -12V
Eurorack width/depth: 10hp; 25mm
Eurorack Build Guide - updated May 2022
Current draw (4U): 48mA @ +12V; 48mA @ -12V
4U width/depth: 2”; 30mm