SetonixSynth Detectorist Gate/Trigger Generator

The Detectorist is a 2hp Gate-to-Trigger-to-Gate module, designed to provide useful “duty cycle”-like behavior from any sharp rising edge input. 

When triggered by either the Gate Input jack or Manual pushbutton, the Detectorist will produce an adjustable-length Pulse, spanning in length from 12 milliseconds - about 85 seconds over its three ranges. If the Detectorist is re-triggered while the Output is already active, the count will reset but the Output will remain active without dropping to zero, thus “tying” the pulses, or producing 100% duty cycle.

This circuit is heavily indebted to the great Forrest M. Mimms III and his Missing Pulse Detector circuit, which can be found in his 555 Timer IC Circuits Engineer’s Mini-Notebook.

Technical Specifications (Eurorack standard)
Width: 2hp
Depth: 35mm
Peak Current Draw: 15mA @ +12V, 0mA @ -12V
Gate Input Impedance: 100kΩ (Negative voltage protected)
Gate Input Threshold: 2.5V
Output Impedance: 1kΩ
Output Voltage: 5.2V with standard 100kΩ load
Ranges (approximate):
-Short: 12ms - 1 second
-Medium: 100ms - 6.5 seconds
-Long: 1 second - 85 seconds

Available fully built and as a DIY kit!

Eurorack User’s Manual
Eurorack Build Manual